Website Fixes

Ensure your website is operating at its best.

Keeping your website running smoothly and efficiently is essential for your business. Our Site Performance Boost service focuses on optimizing your site’s speed, reliability, and overall performance. Let us help you create a seamless experience for your visitors, keeping them engaged and satisfied.

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Things We Can Help With

Website Struggling? No Problem!

Sometimes you don't need to start all over. If you have a website that is functional and just needs a little help to get it more honed in on performance, then we can help.

  1. Performance Optimizations

    Enhance site speed for a better user experience and presentation.

  2. SEO Enhancement

    Boost your site's visibility with SEO tweaks and content upgrades.

  3. Visual Upgrades

    Update and refresh visual elements to streamline and modernize your site.

  4. Accessiblity Improvement

    Upgrade your website accessibility to help all users navigate it successfully.

  5. Issue Resolution

    Fix bugs and issues on your website that  affect visitor experience.

  6. Security Cleaning

    Ensure your site is secure with plugin updates and usage testing.

  7. Content & Media

    Streamline content and optimize images for better user experience.

  8. Ecommerce Upgrades

    Improve product listings and information, photos, and overall buying experience.

  9. And More...

    Have something else in mind? No problem, just ask!

How Does It Work?

We'll do a full audit on your website to see what the underlying issues are. This report, combined with any additional issues that you bring to us will be used to create a scope of work and what we recommend.

After approval we will get to work on fixing or upgrading the target areas we identified from the audit. Once done we'll give you a report of what we did.

girl writing in notebook

Why You Need This

The Benefits

Is your website running the same way it did 10 years ago? Have you upgraded your core services or business model but haven’t had time to optimize your site? Maybe you don’t have the capacity, or need, to hire a dedicated staff member to manage these changes continuously.

That’s where we come in. We optimize your website’s speed, improve SEO, enhance accessibility, and ensure security updates, so your site performs at its best, allowing you to focus on what you do best—growing your business.

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  • Scalable service based on needs
  • Years of experience
  • Costs less than hiring internally
  • Allows you to focus on business needs
  • Access to more services

What's the Cost?

What to expect

The cost for a website design or redesign project can range greatly depending on many different factors. There are different things to consider, including the complexity, the amout of work needed, how fast it needs to be done, and if there are any specific needs that need to be addressed.

At WebInke Design, we break the cost of a project into a couple different areas.

graphic design work

Website refresh and rebuild. 

This is for individuals or businesses that already have an established website, but aren’t thrilled with how it performs. If you have a website that is slow, doesn’t perform well on mobile or other smart devices, or is just a pain to update, then this could be the thing you want. We take your existing website and rebuild it into a more efficient and highly optimized version. Pricing for this starts at $3,500 and can usually be completed within 4 weeks since we are making minimal changes to your existing layout.  

Website Redesign. 

Perfect for when you have an existing website that’s been around for a while. This is typically for a very simple brochure type of website where you are advertising a service, but you don’t have any special needs or external programs that need to be integrated. We take your existing website and enhance the experience. We’ll update the design, add some modern features to help engage your customers, refine the interface and experience, and give it a performance overhaul to help it load quickly. Pricing starts at $5,000 and you can expect for this to take about 6 weeks (as long as you hold up your end). 

Website from Scratch. 

If you don’t have a website yet, or you just absolutely hate the one you have and need something fresh, we’ve got you covered. This is perfect for a brand new service or Ecommerce business. We take you the entire way from the design phase all the way to build and development and management. Your new website is built with the latest standards, using your feedback as a guide to help you get what you need for your business or vision. These projects start at $10k and can take up to 12 weeks to complete.

You can use the guides above as a ballpark price, but in order to get an accurate quote and proposal we will need to have a discovery session that lays everything out for the potential project. 

If you discover half way through that you need to make changes to how something works, you can rest easy knowing you aren’t locked in. We’ll use a change request order to make the edits, and deal with any price changes if they are applicable. If it is necessary to edit the quote amount we won’t continue until both parties agree. This helps us make sure that you don’t get hit with suprise invoices or an end amount that is different from what you’re expecting.

Once your website is done we have three (3) levels of website management that you can choose from for your ongoing monthly service. They start at $85/month and offer different levels of monthly maintenance.

If you are ready to get started just click below to start your quote.

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is a Site Performance Boost?

    It is a service designed to optimize the speed, reliability, and overall performance of your website.

  • Why is site performance important?

    People like it when a website loads quickly and has easy to find information. If you can’t provide those things, they’ll go somewhere else.

  • What specific optimizations do you perform?

    We fix bugs, optimize images, streamline plugins, and more.

  • How long does the optimization process take?

    Usually we can make the updates and edits within a week. If your site is bigger or has a lot more to do it may take up to two.

  • What kind of access do you need?

    Access to your hosting, server, and admin panel is necessary to make the full range of edits and test the website as needed.

  • Can you optimize my e-commerce site?

    Absolutely, we specialize in optimizing various types of websites, including e-commerce. At the end of the day, all websites operate in a similar fashion, regardless of the content they serve.

  • Do you offer ongoing maintenance for site performance?

    Yes, we have three levels of service that include these services in addition to a number of others.

  • Will there be any downtime during the optimization?

    There should be little to no downtime for this type of update. We always take a backup as a precaution though, just in case there is a problem with a plugin or core update.