Website Management

We've got you covered where you need it

Your website needs to have regular care and support to maintain optimal performance. Without the technical knowledge of managing your website, it can lead to security issues, broken pages or processes, and more. Luckily, we can do all that for you.

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Ongoing Management That Makes Sense

Keeping Things Optimized

It might sound a bit weird to hear, but a good website is never really done. It should be viewed as a long-term investment (basically as long as you have a business) that continually adapts and changes to stay current with the market and how customers interact with it.

This is why we offer monthly care and support packages for your website. It provides security, stability, and peace of mind (there’s a lot more included in actuality) on a continual basis so you don’t even have to think about it.

Keeping your website up to date and in good working order helps to promote a professional image for your customers, and it helps with search engine ranking. Almost every customer searches to find out if a business has a website before they do anything else, and it is vitally important you have something that works and works well. Let us take the worry away so you can focus on the other things that need to be done.

Get a Ton of Support and Options for Your Website

Top Tier Maintenance

We'll take care of your website so you can focus on running your business.

  1. Optimized Hosting

    We use top tier hosting services to ensure maximum uptime and performance for your website and visitors.

  2. Managed Updates

    Never worry about your website theme or plugins going out of date because you forgot about them. We manage everything.

  3. Daily Backups

    We automatically run offsite website backups every day, as well as periodic server backups for complete assurance.

  4. Premium Security

    Managed websites have access to advanced security, which includes malware scans, IP blocking, WAF and more.

  5. Advanced Site Loading

    We employ high level caching software and CDN technology to help your site run as fast as possible and perform without issue.

  6. Discounted Development

    Your monthly plan gives you access to our discounted hourly rates for when you need bigger projects done.

  7. Website Restoration

    In the event that your website is compromised or broken, we will immediately restore a fresh backup to keep you up and running.

  8. Premium Licenses

    Get access to over $800 in premium licenses that we extend to all managed accounts for enhanced website performance.

  9. And more...

    This is just a small sampling of the services we offer in our monthly plans. For a more detailed list and pricing see below.

What You Get With Your Management Plan

Your website can only be as safe as the measures being taken to help it. While it's true that no website is 100% safe from attack, we can make it less likely for you to become a target by keeping all aspects of it up to date.

Your customers require a website that is well maintained and updated. We offer three different monthly plans to help keep your website safe, up to date, and continually improving to stay competitive.

  • Basic

    Suitable for small businesses and startups that need basic security and support.

    $85per month
  • Business

    Eveyrthing in basic, plus some extra monitoring, edit requests, and optimizations.

    $225per month
  • Professional

    Everything from the previous plan, with unlimited edit requests, plus support for Ecommerce websites. Designed for advanced websites with greater needs.

    $375per month

1 – Cancel anytime, no contract: This is a month-to-month agreement, you can cancel anytime. Payments are made in advance so upon cancellation you will be able to make edits until the following month. If you host with us a management plan is required for the duration.

2 – Premium Software Licenses: As part of your monthly plan you have access to premium software and plugins that we have licenses for. As long as you are on an eligible paid program you will be able to utilize these plugins for you website and we’ll keep them updated. This includes Pro plans for security plugins and anything utilized for your site. Otherwise we will secure a license for you and/or install the basic software version.

3 – Free Backup Restoration: In the unlikely event that your website is compromised or broken (by us or during an update), we will fix and restore it at no extra cost, regardless of how long it takes.

4 – Edit Request Response: We will respond to edit requests and emails within the timeframe mentioned, not including weekends or holidays.

5 – Requested Content Management and Revisions: This includes things like updating calendar events, updating pages, images, adding or removing emails, etc. Anything that is content related. Development for new features (like accepting online payments for example) are quoted as a project. 

6 – Reduced Hourly Rate: If your request is not covered in your plan (adding custom code, complex forms, etc) then we will give you a quote for the work at the reduced hourly rate. Additionally, if you have more requests than your plan has allotted time for, the extra time will be billed at the reduced rate.

If you are an agency looking for whitelabel help, we will have information for that coming soon.

Frequently asked questions